A downloadable game for Android

Pong was one of the most influential games of the 1980’s. Now it’s back, and it’s back in style. With updated features, graphics and sound effects. There are now 3 game modes to experience and enjoy through a multistage campaign. 

Classic – Just want the classic Pong experience with updated ascetics then this game mode will give you that.

If you’re looking for something a bit different then try out the other 2 game modes inside of Retro Remix.

Defender – Puts a small spin on the classic Pong experience by having shields that are placed in the field of play. These shields can be turned to your colour doing so will make the ball deflect back at the opponent if they hit it with one of their shots.

Domination – Is the biggest departure from the classic Pong formula. The main aim isn’t about getting the ball past your opponent (although it helps) it’s about using the ball to dominate the grid that appears on the playing field. The more of the gird you own the more points you’ll get at the end of the fast-pasted timer


Retro Remix APK.zip 44 MB

Install instructions

This is an APK that has been built for Android. You will need to download this file extract it and then side load the game onto your android device